There is a little island in the Mediterranean that some people call "the island where people forget to die". So many people there overcome illnesses and injuries and live to ripe old ages. Not just that, however, they also look incredibly well for their age. It is no secret that the Mediterranean diet is good for you and helps the inside of your body stay happy and healthy, but how come they also have such good skin, particularly when they spend most their lives in the sun? It seems that...

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jdsfjkdsfjkldsfjklfsdkl;dfs HI!!! Everybody knows that organic products are the way forward.  We only need to switch on the news to see horrific stories about the genetically modified everything to know that we simply can no longer trust anything that is made through processes of genetic manipulation.  Not just that, we are starting to understand that products sprayed with pesticides, herbicides and other poisons are no longer fit for consumption or use either.  What's most interesting (or should I say shocking?)  is how we are supposedly able to eat or touch...

The largest organ in the body is also the most exposed; it is exposed to all sorts of environmental factors, the sun, the wind, and the toxins in the air all have an effect on how well your skin will look and feel. Every day our facial pores are covered with make up that clogs them up and doesn't allow them to breathe, we get all sorts of scratches, bruises, burns, and we expose it to chemical irritants every time we clean our home or wash our dishes. It is...

No one is happy when the first signs of aging begin to appear around your face. The sight of the "11's" appearing in the middle of your forehead begin so subtly that you think they came in overnight, or the infamous "laugh lines" that we all get to see showing up at the corner of our eyes soon represent worry that we are facing the tell tale signs of aging. There is no shortage of beauty tips that no doubt promise to slow down the process and even some claims...

Youth is one of the most elusive qualities of life. It is given to us freely at birth but over time slowly ebbs away. It seems that no matter what we do to try to hold onto it, it slips through our fingers like water. From the moment we take our first breath we actually begin the aging process; however, the signs of it do not always become evident at the same time for everyone. Usually around the age of 30 we start to see evidence that life has taken...

There are few people in this world that do not understand the importance of taking good care of their skin. No matter where you live you'll see people slathering on sunscreen, moisturizers, and any number of special conditioners in order to protect themselves from the elements and give their skin the right nourishment in order to stay supple, smooth, and healthy looking. Still, with all of that care you'll find millions of people with a full list of rashes, sores, blisters, and blemishes that seem to defy the many treatments...

When the winter times rolls around it becomes increasingly evident that our skin begins to change. The winds seem to be more penetrating and even though there is more precipitation in the air it seems to become even drier. The problem stems from more than just the cold temperatures as some people may think. When the weather is cold we tend to spend more time in those hot soothing showers, our offices where we work increase the amount of conditioned air circulation, and the soaps we use can also be...

Smoking Cigarettes Of course you know that smoking is bad for your health and the health of those around you, but what you may not have been aware of is what it can do to your skin. Your lungs, fingertips, and teeth all suffer, that's for sure, but what smokers sometimes fail to see is the progression of failing skin health that occurs over long periods of time. Not only will the skin on your mouth and face begin to yellow, the constant puckering of lips to suck in smoke...

Makeup may cover up the signs of aging and medical procedures can certainly undo some of the symptoms of years gone by, but when it comes to reducing fine lines and wrinkles at home there's actually more ways than you think to give your skin the upper hand. Some processes require product or treatments that you can do yourself in your home bathroom, while other methods of line reduction simply require you leading a healthier lifestyle and embracing better nutrition. Your skin may seem like an external part of yourself,...