These days, more and more people are choosing to pay attention to the products they put on their skin. Long gone are the days where people take for granted that products they pick off the shelves are 100% safe, and while this is a sad fact, it couldn't be more true. Since people have had to make the switch to organic products, this has let this individuals having to learn everything there is to know about this industry once again, and if you are among them, you'll want to do the same.
Why Opt For Organic Products?
With so many options out there, why should people choose organic products over the alternatives? Hayley Hobson explains it quite nicely;
Our skin is the largest organ in our body and absorbs more than 80% of what we put on it. So if you're putting toxins on it, you're making yourself toxic!
The products that companies have been selling to us for years now happen to contain many ingredients that are now being found to be toxic, so making the switch means cutting out all of those harmful ingredients that take such a toll on our well-being. Because organic products happen to be natural, and generally good for you, applying these products to your skin can only be good for you, as long as you are not allergic to them of course.
Toxins aren't always released from the body; many of them simply begin to build up over time, and this could eventually cause some really big health issues for some people. By avoiding these products, individuals will also be helping their bodies to detox slowly over time, and this only adds to the associated health benefits. As the experts of the Space Coast Health Institute Explain;
Many people believe that it is important to live a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy food, and it is equally just as important to use healthy skin products. Natural products can reduce the skin's exposure to harmful chemicals.
When you opt for organic skincare products, you are opting for pure and natural ingredients; this is a much safer option for your body than the chemical based products on the market.
Read And Understand The Labels
Manufacturers will often go out of their way to sell products, and this might include labeling products as something they are not. Sarah Kelsey explains;
To some manufacturers, "natural" means "naturally inspired," where "naturally inspired" means, "our synthetic fragrance, loaded with dangerous phthalates, smells vaguely like a scent you might find in nature."
Because this industry is yet to become strictly regulated, you might find that there are manufacturers who want to jump on board the "all-natural" gravy train without actually putting in the time or effort to have their products conform to these standards. Being aware that this is happening within this industry and knowing what to look out for can actually go a long way in helping people make smarter decisions with regards to their purchases.
Preservatives Aren't Always Bad
It has become common practice for most health freaks to look for the "preservative-free" label on foods and beauty products, but the truth is that this ingredient can actually play a role in maintaining the quality of a skincare product. You might not want to be forced to keep your creams, lotions and potions in the fridge, so you'll need to make sure that they are preserved in some way. In the past, the first preservatives that most manufacturers would turn to were the synthetic ones, which is why they received such a bad reputation. There are natural preservatives that can be used to replace these, however, so that people can benefit from the lengthier time span of their products without adding harsh, synthetic products to their face.
Don't Get Distracted By The Packages
The next time you go shopping for beauty creams, you might find that many of them have large "eco packaging" signs attached to them. When you look more closely, however, you'll find that they are laden with chemicals. The truth of the matter is that many companies are going to try and distract you by labeling themselves as "green" or "eco friendly", when in fact this has nothing more than to do with their packaging. While eco friendly packaging is a great added extra, if the product itself is anything but natural, neither you nor the environment is going to benefit from it.
Fragrance Is The Enemy
That facial cream might smell like heaven, but this is most likely because it is full of chemical fragrances that are making it more appealing. Anything with a fragrance in it is most likely unnatural, so when you pick up something that smells like your childhood, remember that this was a time when asbestos was most likely considered to be safe and driving with a seat-belt wasn't always a first priority. In short, fragrances aren't safe. Your face cream should smell very little, if at all, unless it actually smells like the ingredients within them.
Educate Yourself
The organic industry is relatively new and this means that consumers are still learning as much as they can about it. While the industry is getting more and more regulated, consumers need to protect themselves by learning as much as they can, as fast as they can. Don't be afraid to ask questions because this will help you identify the good guys from the bad guys in terms of manufacturers. Consumers are more empowered these days than ever before, and with the help of the internet, using the excuse "I didn't know" just doesn't cut it anymore.
Making good decisions about your skin today will continue to benefit you many years from now, so make sure that you are willing to put in the time to find out what is good for you and continue to return to these positive and health-promoting products time and time again. Remember, you are the last line of defense that your body has when it comes to your health and well-being, so treat it as if you will only get one during your lifetime.